Trace-Rice members met in General Assembly


The TRACE-RICE general assembly took place this Friday afternoon (19th may). It was an opportunity to know more about the working progress and next steps assumed from each Work Package partners involved in the project. Please stay tuned on our TraceRice website and LinkedIn platform for future developments.

New advances from PRIMA projects - NEXT WEEK


The seminar 'New advances from PRIMA projects for improving Mediterranean Agro-Food value chains" will take place next week and we are thrilled to show several renowned and high-level keynote speakers and panelists from academia and private sector.

The program includes an excellent panel discussion will speak about the most relevant topics with keynote experts:

  • TrustEat: exploiting the...

New advances from PRIMA projects


The seminar "New advances from PRIMA projects for improving Mediterranean Agro-Food value chains" is only a few weeks away and we are thrilled to show several renowned and high-level keynote speakers and panelists from academia and private sector.

An excellent panel discussion will speak about the most relevant topics with keynote experts:

  • Authenticity & traceability digital tools-Marco...

PRIMA projects presented at Oeiras


The seminar 'New advances from PRIMA projects for improving Mediterranean Agro-Food value chains" took place on 18th and 19th may, in INIAV, Oeiras (Portugal). This was a great oportunity to present the richeness and diversity of the ongoing projects.

Please follow the photo report subscribing our trace-rice LinkedIn.

Foods: Invitation to submit


Following the success of two previous Special Issues in Rice with 16 published articles that we recommend your reading in:

Editorial with summaries of several papers:

Quality Assay, Processing and Bio-Function of Rice Products

Rice: From Staple Food to Innovative, Safe, Authentic and Healthy Foods

Foods is releasing the new Special Issue "Sustainability, Safety, Health Claims and...



The TRACE-RICE project was presented last 21st of March at "Dare2Change", Innovation- Driven Agrifood Business ( in the Congress Centre of Super Bock Arena Porto, Portugal. The event was focused on the challenges of the agri-food sector from technological innovation to new business models and brought together three hundred of stakeholders to increase the synergies between...