Trace-Rice joined the vibrant cereal science community

The 19th European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop, was hosted by the Institute of Agrochemistry and Food Technology (IATA-CSIC), which is one of the most important research centers in the area of food in Europe. This event took place between June 5-8, 2022, and the Trace-Rice partner IATA joined this vibrant cereal science community to present the project, network with peers, and learn from industry experts. Cristina M. Rosell did a keynote with the title, “How to innovate in traditional cereals: TraceRice project focussed on rice”, Dolores Rodrigo did a keynote on "Innovative processing technologies to improve food safety and techno-functionality of cereal matrices" and Eva Grau, a PhD student, was talking about “Food safety approaches to improve rice processing sustainability”. It was great to see those who attended the workshop sharing the news on their social media tagging the Trace-Rice project. The European Young Cereal Scientists and Technologists Workshop (EYCSTW) is designed to include subject categories such as, but not limited to, cereal processing, product quality, analytical techniques, sensory, nutrition and health, and novel specialist ingredients. The EYCSTW is a platform for young research scientists to exchange with their peers on the latest research in cereal and grains sciences. We encourage young research scientists (Ph.D. students and Post Docs) to submit an abstract for their planned contribution. Over the years, the success of the event has been built around a balance between educational sessions and social/networking opportunities.



